how much does it cost to paint a 2-story house exterior
To find out just how much does it cost to paint a 2-story house exterior, in Dallas, Texas can be quite stressfull, as it typically ranges from $5,963 to $7,712, covering labor and materials.
Several factors influence this cost, primarily the home's size, painted surfaces, and the duration between paint jobs.
In general, a three-story house will cost more to paint compared to a single-story ranch-style home in Dallas. The area being painted also impacts the expense; painting only the trim of a two-story house will cost less than painting both trim and siding of a smaller home.
the longer the gap between paint jobs, the higher the cost. Dallas experiences various weather conditions, from humid summers to spring thunderstorms, making exterior paint crucial for protecting homes and maintaining curb appeal. Regularly repainting your home exterior every 3-5 years helps avoid pricey repairs and extensive prep work, such as scraping, sanding, and priming peeling paint.
On average, homeowners spend an extra $1,384 annually on prep and repairs for each year they postpone an exterior repaint. To save on costs and upkeep, regular repainting proves to be a more economical choice over time.
If it's time for your annual house painting maintenance, reach out to us. We're here and ready to assist you
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